
My name is Dery, I’m a software engineer at Gojek. I intentionally create this website to documenting all of my career and life events. Along side with software engineering related article. Some articles are also written on medium.

Find me on Github, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads

July Vim Setup

I’ve been using vim as my default IDE for about a year. Until now I’m still improving the vim configuration so that I could do the task even more effective. Now after nvim launch version 0.5.0 which support native LSP client, I immediately tried this feature. Yeps, there’re no significant difference when I use LanguageClient-neovim, but since version 0.5.0 has built in feature for LSP client, I would preferably use the built in one.
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Software System Fundamentals

The book I’m currently reading is Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann. During the first read, I found concise fundamentals we need to concern most when dealing with a high quality software system.
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