
My name is Dery, I’m a software engineer at Gojek. I intentionally create this website to documenting all of my career and life events. Along side with software engineering related article. Some articles are also written on medium.

Find me on Github, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads

Slow Coding

I wrote this article for my own documentation related to lesson learned I was gathered during my coding-life. Really, up until now, coding is fun. The way we transfer our idea and logic into code so that computer can do whatever we want seems really magical. There’s a joke I’ve found somewhere (I forget exactly), today’s magician is programmer.
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Once upon a time, there was a lonely wolf, separated from his herd. He used to be an alpha. Energetic. Passion-driven. He only attracted to the specific group. An opportunist. But now, he decided to live in tundra. Seeking for a challenge. He joined the new herd. The local.
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