Effectiveness. The art of doing so much things in a limited time.

We’re in the age of information. We could gather a lot of information than any other generations before us. There’s so much things we want or need to do because of we know almost everything. The increasing amount of information will lead to increasing rate of information flow. Given the amount of time is fixed, 24h in a day, with increasing amount of information (exponential) we will reach the point when we have illusion so much things to do but none of them has successfully executed until finish. Here’s a short tips I gained from my thought an hour ago while doing mindfulness.


Let it go when you’re missed something. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) currently hits our generation. People who have privilege to access internet has abundant resource of information which has gained through society (at least from their circle). This will lead to FOMO. You’re outdated when you’re missed something. The truth is, it’s okay to missed something, it’s normal. Rather than compel yourself to do what society does, let it go. Let it go for something that’s not fitted with yours. In this case, knowing yourself is important. Learn mindfulness, let it go for good Not all information is good for you. Pick several things you want to develop. Your brain memory is limited, so make sure it’s filled with information which you think important.


Time is fixed, 24h per day. So there’s only one way to improve the throughput of the information goes to the brain, speed up the way we absorb the information. Absorbing 2 information, 4 hour each, consume 8 hours, while absorbing with 2 hour each, only consume 4 hours.


Make sure you focus on one thing per block of time. Reduce context-switching when you absorb between informations. Absorbing 2 informations in 4 hours with minimal context-switching is more beneficial rather than frequent context-switching. You need to regain the flow state once you do context-switching.