Kubernetes Connectivity Unreachable?

Recently, I tried to setup the k8s cluster in my local. Unlike many common setup out there where we usually use minikube, kindD, or k3s, this time I play using vm directly. This exercise allow me to have a better understanding on how k8s manages the containers.
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Thinking in Moderation

You will die if you don’t eat, and you will die either if you eat excessively. In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle describes that eating too much or too little has a bad consequences to our body. Hence, the correlation between eating and health is not linear. In economics, no tax makes government has no revenue, no infrastructure, public health, education, and security. On the other side, charged 100% tax makes individual has no money, and there’s no reason to work, then economy collapse and government has no revenue.
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